



Reference National Standard: Silicomanganese(GB/T4008-1996)product description:Silicon manganese alloy is an alloy composed of manganese, silicon, iron and a small amount of carbon and other elements....
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                 Brand                                                                             chemical composition %
                    Mn                     Si                      C                     P                     S
                                                                                                             not more than
FeMn60si14                   60-70                  14-17                      2.5                     0.3                    0.04
FeMn65si17                   65-70                  17-20
                      2.0                      --                      --
FeMn68si18                   65-72                   1.8                      0.25
                      --                      --

Reference National Standard: Silicomanganese(GB/T4008-1996)

product description:

Silicon manganese alloy is an alloy composed of manganese, silicon, iron and a small amount of carbon and other elements. It is a kind of iron alloy with wide use and large output. Manganese silicon alloy is a commonly used composite deoxidizer for steelmaking, and almost all steel grades need to be deoxidized with manganese. It is also a reducing agent for the production of medium and low carbon ferromanganese and the production of metallic manganese by electro silicothermic method. The raw materials for producing manganese silicon alloy include manganese ore, manganese rich slag, silica, coke, dolomite (or limestone) and fluorite. One kind of manganese ore or mixed ore of several manganese ores (including rich manganese slag) can be used to produce manganese silicon alloy.

Application range and purpose:

Silicon manganese alloy is a reducing agent for smelting medium and low carbon ferromanganese and metallic manganese, as well as a composite deoxidizer, alloying agent and desulfurizer in steelmaking. Generally, 40% is used as reducing agent, and 60% is used as deoxidizer and alloying agent.

Manganese silicon alloy is added to molten steel for deoxidation, and the deoxidized product is MnSiO3. The melting point is lower than FeSiO3, the surface tension is higher, and it is easy to float from the molten steel, so there are fewer inclusions in the steel. When manganese silicon alloy deoxidizes, the utilization ratio of manganese and silicon is high, so manganese silicon alloy is a good composite deoxidizer. Manganese silicon alloy has a high manganese carbon ratio, which is particularly suitable for smelting low carbon steel containing manganese. As the production of killed steel, high-strength low-alloy steel, stainless steel, heat-resistant steel increases, the amount of manganese silicon alloy increases accordingly.

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